Worshipping together every Sunday is the high point of our week as a church.
We meet for worship in the Christ Church building, which is situated in Barnard Street, Salisbury. Our services start at 10:00 AM and last for about an hour and twenty minutes. We welcome children to stay with us for the whole service (and are very comfortable with some noise!). For information about Sunday School, click here.

It’s our privilege every Sunday to gather and worship God. We take worship seriously because we take God seriously, but we also approach it joyfully in the confidence that, through Jesus Christ, God welcomes us into his presence as his children. Our service is designed to be participatory: we’re a congregation, not an audience. While our pattern of worship is drawn from centuries-old Christian practice, our goal is that it remains fresh and engaging. Why not come along to find out more?
Even if you have never been to a church service before, you are very welcome to join us. When you arrive, you will receive an order of service booklet that contains everything you will need to participate. There is no dress code — some people will dress more formally, others will be more casual.
Each week in our service, we sing psalms and hymns, we listen to God’s Word read and preached, and we feast together, with Christ, in the Lord’s Supper. Anyone who has been baptized, is trusting Jesus alone for salvation, and is seeking to follow him, is welcome to join us in this communion meal. If you want to join Christ Church as a regular communicant member, please speak to our Minister, Mark Payne.
After the service there are refreshments, which we’d love you to join us for.
Church Lunch
On the first Sunday of the month, we hold a church lunch from around 12 PM and finish about 1:30 PM.
The food is great, the atmosphere is friendly and the conversations are stimulating and fun.
All are welcome to join us, so if you are free, why not pop in and join us for some food and a chat?