The Bible teaches that each one of us must love our neighbour (Matthew 19:19), and Jesus Christ highlighted children as particular objects of his care and concern (Matthew 18:1-10). Christians must therefore take seriously their responsibility to protect the welfare of children entrusted to their care.

Our safeguarding objectives at Christ Church Salisbury:

  • To keep children and vulnerable adults entrusted to our care safe from harm
  • To seek to ensure that children and vulnerable adults entrusted to our care are never
    subjected to any form of abuse by church members.
  • To ensure that the whole church is aware of the need to protect from harm all
    members and visitors, particularly children and adults at risk.
  • We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of those who
    will work with children and adults with care and support needs.
  • To make staff and volunteers aware of the appropriate procedures to follow in the event of any concerns about a child or vulnerable adult’s welfare or any allegations of abuse

A copy of the Christ Church Salisbury Safeguarding Policy is available on application.

If you have concerns regarding a child or vulnerable adult, contact one of the following, who are safeguarding leaders for this church:

John Magee

Mrs Jo Ostler