Our Culture
Jesus shapes who we are and what we do.
We’re committed to living according to his Word, loving God with everything that we are, and loving others as ourselves. We’re not perfect (far from it!), but despite our shortcomings, Jesus in his kindness is shaping us through God’s Word to us, God’s love for us, and God’s life in us.
God's Word to us
In common with all Christians from the earliest days of the Church, we recognise that the Bible is God’s Word. Through the Bible, God speaks to us today, reveals his great love for us in Jesus Christ, and shows us how we can know him and what it means to live a truly human life.
God's Love for us
We are shaped by three fundamental beliefs about Jesus:
Christ has died
to suffer the penalty for our rejection of God, and so to win God’s forgiveness for all who trust in him.
Christ is risen
as the rightful ruler of all creation who calls us to pledge allegiance to himself. Because he is alive, we can know him and follow him today.
Christ will come again
to judge the living and the dead, to remove evil and suffering from the world, and to make all things new.
God's Life in us

The gospel directs our attention up to praise and thank God for his mercy and
kindness to us in Christ. Worship is therefore at the heart of all that we do.

The gospel draws us to put down deep roots as obedient followers of Christ. We depend on God’s Word and his Holy Spirit to learn more about God and to grow in our ability to trust, love, and serve him.

Lastly, God sends us out into our lives and callings in the world. Because Christ loved us, we want to love and serve others. We also long for other people to hear and know the good news of God’s love for them in Christ.